Saturday, March 15, 2014

Available now online

Welcome to the World of Brian Pewor

I  hope you enjoyed the Book and this first Chapter of this Novel series.

"The Sun Of Silk"

Tells the story of a young man making his very own unique transition into manhood.
And the circumstances of his life he was born into. Many of us have had the very same experiences as well as many of us haven't. But I this book, as well as the series; I intend to show the readers, that regardless of our circumstance that we are unknowingly born into, we all share a will to be better.
As I created and developed each character in this novel, I wanted to show the readers the realness of the story. That these people are no different from you and I and the situations they face are no different than the one you and I face. But the decisions they make, should pose a question to the reader of  WOULD I HAVE DONE THAT? at lease that was one of my intents, but truth be told,  as I began to write and grow with the characters they took on a life and sometimes mind of their own, and begun to write the story for me leaving me to be the first and fortunate reader of this chapter series. I WAS AMAZED! thus is the blessing of art, and I was honored to be a part of it's expression.

THANK YOU  for walking down this road, and I hope to continue to see you in these travels.

I welcome your interpretations, and critic of these Novels, and would like to hear your observations of these very Unique characters.

follow me on twitter @sunofsilk
Brian Pewor